
In John 10:10, Jesus said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

We were created for a life that is full. However, we often settle for a life that feels empty and broken and yet as we try to place more and more into that life to change it on our own, we find it to be even more draining.

The full life that we were created for is only found in Jesus. As we learn to live out of His love for us, we experience a surprising freedom and a hope that somehow puts us back together on the inside.

Because of His love for us, we can love and serve each other, discovering together what full life really looks like every day.

Living-Loving-Serving; That’s Crossroads Worship Center.

Q: What type of church is Crossroads Worship Center?

A: We are an evangelical church.

Q: When should I visit?

A: Services, as indicated on this website, are 10 AM on Sundays for Sunday School; 10:45 AM on Sundays for morning worship; 6 PM on Sundays for worship and 7 PM on Wednesdays for Bible Study and worship.

Q: Where are you located?

A: We’re located at 365 Hwy. 441 S in Commerce, GA.

Q: What should I wear?

A: There is no particular clothing requested. However, we appreciate your simply being modest in your apparel.

Q: Do you have any tips for first-timers?

A: We have a door greeter who will provide a visitor card to newcomers. These should be completed and placed in an offering plate or on a table in the entrance of the church. These cards are provided to give the Pastor and other ministry leaders of the church information for contacting newcomers to indicate appreciation for their having come. Along with this, we just ask newcomers to worship with us, pray for us and with us and if they have any questions, to speak with someone before leaving or contact the Pastor during the week for a time of consultation.

Q: Do you have programs for Children and Teens?

A: Along with Sunday School, we have a Children’s Church ministry on Sunday mornings during the worship hour. We also have a children and teen ministry on Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings. A nursery is also provided during morning worship services on Sunday mornings.

Q: What are the weekend gatherings like?

A: Worship in song and preaching. Normally there is an invitation for individuals who desire to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ to come forward. This can also be a time for the church to pray with individuals regarding any needs they may have.

Q: How long are the Services?

A: Typically, our Sunday morning worship service ends between 12 and 12:30. However, in no way will we ever curtail a move of the Holy Spirit in our services.

Q: What can we expect from your Pastor?

A: The Pastor of the Crossroads Worship Center Church of God, Rev. T. Gary Thompson, is available as much as possible to assist individuals through counselling, personal home and hospital visitation (especially at a time of sickness), prayer and overall spiritual guidance. He is not a “genie in a lamp”, just a servant of God and will do what he can to minister to anyone, members and non-members alike.

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